martes, enero 02, 2018

Light and Alchemy: the Secret of Sant Pere Galligants

During the Middle Ages, knowledge took refuge in 
monasteries, not only as places where books were copied 
or an "avant-garde" agriculture was developed, but arcane 
knowledge was also inscribed in the constructions, 
accessible only to those who knew how to "read the stones", 
what Gurdjieff called Legominism.
From the Neolithic the builders tried to stabilize the special 
moments of Light, like solstices and equinoxes, in their 
works.These ephemerides together with groundwater and 
faults, define the axes on which the energetic structure of 
the temple is based.
The two-tailed mermaid of the cloister of Sant Pere 
Galligants, links the luminous structure of the 
Benedictine monastery and the Celtic tradition.
Mermaid with bifid tail, symbol of Light and alchemy 
of Sant Pere Galligants

The first light of the equinoctial sunrise, illuminates the 
center of the apse of the church of Sant Pere, and 
extends to the center of the west gallery of the cloister, 
exactly where we find the capital of the Sirens, these join 
the light and water as fluid carriers of life and knowledge. 
Because of their harmonic nature, half fish and half woman, 
in other words: half solve, half coagulate; they are the 
perfect symbol for the equinox.
In the Celtic tradition Melussina, the wife of Lug, the god of
Light and knowledge, was represented as a mermaid, so 
here she would be the keeper of the sacred Light of the 
equinox: the balance, the harmony between darkness and 
It represents the yin aspect of knowledge, something that 
is not sought, but is intrinsic to being, inherent in unity.
In the chapel of the Virgin of the Mercè of the Cathedral 
of Barcelona, ​​whose orientation from the Master Point * 
refers us to the exit of the Sun in the equinox, we have
the only siren of the whole temple, which keeps the Light 
of balance, equal that of Galligants.

Siren of the Chapel of la Mercè, 
Barcelona Cathedral

* Master Point: is the place where the work is directed, 
when there is a plan defined from the beginning, from 
there the whole temple makes sense.
For example, in the Cathedral of Barcelona and from that 
point we have the invocations related to its festivity and 
when the Sun rises or sets.
·       The chapel of Mercè, is located at 90º which is the 
sunrise of the Sun at the dawn of the equinox, on 
September 24.
·       That of San Juan Evangelista at 238º, sunset at 
winter solstice on December 21, its holiday is on 
December 27,very close to the solst
·       Sant Pere 122º, the dawn of the winter's past, in 
the Middle Ages, when the Cathedral was built, Sant 
Pere, was celebrated at the end of December.
·       That of Sagrat Cor to 58º, it is the dawn of the 
summer solstice, symbolically represents the maximum 
expansion of the Sun.
·       Santa Llúcia 270º, twilight of the equinox, represents 
the purity of the Light, so it is symbolically related to this 
Not all temples have a master point, if the work has followed 
extensions in different phases without an original plan, then 
we find only the axes.
The alchemists also consider that it is the Light that creates 
the water, since at a certain time of the day, it can be seen 
how the shadow-light follows similar patterns to those of 
adhesion and cohesion, of the liquid element.

Light-shade behavior with adhesion 
patterns of liquids
(The photo has been made without filters, glass in between, 
or effects of any kind, is what you see with naked eye)
This game-balance of light-shadow is one of the bases in the 
process of the constructions and the work. 
I consider that the master builders and the philosophers had 
an assiduous contact, since their knowledge was unitary, 
sharing principles and symbology, and allowed to apply it, 
both to the development of a building, and to personal 
In the equinoxes the light has a special wavelength, 
that gives it the ability to interconnect the three brains: 
the limbic, the neocortex and the reptilian, approaching 
the totality of our being, since it is easier to use our 
resources and Knowledge of a coordinated way.

This water-light realtionship, especially in the magical time of 
the equinox, shows its quintessence in form of a mermaid


According to the founding legend of the city of Girona, this 
was created by the giant tricephalo Gerion, who faced 
Thubal, king-god of the Iberians, defeating him. His 
daughter Pirenne (Pyr is fire in Greek and therefore light) 
took refuge in the mountains where Gerión stalked her, 
burning the mountain and leaving her dying.
Heracles, Hercules of the Romans, found her in her tenth
work: get the oxen of Geryon in Gades, now Cádiz.
After completing his work, he confronted the giant, defeating 
him, to avenge Pirenne.
The Pyrenees take the name of this Venus, with the 
attributes of the goddess, the oxen that Gerion stole from 
her family.It must be taken into account that in the Iberian 
Peninsula, Iberians and Celts coexisted and mixed their 
people and cultures. 
What brings us again to Melussina and therefore to the 
primal goddess as the initial sacred nucleus of the city.
The monastery of Sant Pere, was one of the first religious 
centers in Girona city after the Arab domination.
I think it was taken as a reference to develop the layout of 
the later temples in the city of Girona, becoming a true 
master temple, and then the mermaid, the real master point 
of the sacred pattern of Girona.
The solstices, equinoxes and the North axis, orient the 
temple and define its measures and proportions, or indicate 
special places, as we have seen with the siren of the 
cloister.The angular values ​​that are shown on the axes, 
have been taken having as reference the latitude of Girona. 
Explanation of the axes: The image of the sunrise and 
sunset of the summer solstice shows a "", while the winter 
one offers a "", by joining the two taking the same central 
point, we have a mirror symmetry "X", in which the axes of 
the dawn are prolonged with those of the twilight of the 
opposite solstice.
122º correspond to the sunrise of the Sun in the winter 
solstice, the other end of this axis is 302º with the sunset 
of the summer solstice, they are the ones that give the 
orientation of the axis of the nave of the church, 58º with 
the dawn of the summer solstice, 238º with the twilight 
of the winter solstice, relate the belfry with the cloister.
Map of Sant Pere Galligants, 
and the mermaid's master point,
with the axes of light

(the wheel that appears in the lower left corner of the 
photo, is not oriented with the floor of the church, only 
reflects the values of the ephemeris in this latitude)
Developing in addition a plot that relates it of evident way 
with the church of Sant Narcis, with the projection of the 
sunset of the solstice of summer 302º.
Plane of Sant Pere Galligants and Sant Narcis, 
united by the sunset projection of the summer 
If we project the decline of the Winter sun, 238º, from the 
church of Santa Llùcia Sacosta (originally a temple of 
Venus)we will obtain the limit of the central and western 
apses of Sant Narcis, and the center of the nave when it 
cuts the axis of the sunset of the winter solstice 302º 
projected from Sant Pere Galligants.

This relationship of Sant Narcis, with the decline of the summer 
and winter solstices of its two neighboring temples, reinforces 
its funerary character.

If we take as reference the central point of the apse, where 
the dawn of the equinox and the winter solstice that gave 
axis to the central nave entered, and we draw an axis to the 
altar of Sant Felix, we obtain the axis 58º-238º, solstice 
dawn summer, sunset winter solstice.The northwest corner 
of Sant Pere takes us to the bell tower of Sant Felix.
Shafts from Sant Pere Galligants to Sant Felix
The projection of the North-South axis of the Sant Pere bell 
tower, passes through the apseof the Cathedral of Santa 
María of Girona, and continues to form the axis of the nave 
of the church of les Filles de Sant Josep in the Plaça dels 
Lledoners 6 .
North-South axis, from the Sant Pere bell tower 
to the Cathedral and the Filles de Sant Josep 

Establishing a parallelism with the Master Point inside the 
temples, we can intuit that the city of Girona, follows an 
original master plan, from where the location is defined and 
in some cases proportions and orientation of the other 
temples, so that we can affirm, almost without a doubt, that 
Sant Pere Galligants, would be the Master Point of Girona.
According to Geobiology and Feng Shui, the energy flows 
come from the North and the East, heading south and west 
respectively, so it is significant that the church of Sant Pere 
Galligants is the most Northeast of the city, except for the 
church of Santa Llùcia Sacosta located north of Sant Pere, 
erected on an ancient temple dedicated to Venus that was 
christianized in the time of Constantine, which on the one 
hand, reaffirms the link between Girona and the primitive 
goddess, and another Situa to the temple of Galligants as 
an energetic reference of the whole plot of Christendom 
In my book "Places of Power: the guardians of the Light" 
I explain these axes and how they treasure the "Spiritus 
Mundi", indicating it in the stained glass windows, the 
carvings, the gargoyles, or with the disposition of the 
different invocations.